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Robert Wasson joined the delayed entry program for the Marine Corps in 1981 and then went to boot camp in 1982. He served 14 years and rose to the rank of Staff Sergeant before leaving in 1996. He worked as a 5979 Tactical Operation Central Technician – fixing equipment for control aircraft for intercepts. He spent his last five years as an Information Systems Coordinator building and maintaining computer networks for his unit. After his honorable discharge, Rob stayed in Information Technology for 30 years, serving as a System Administrator, Network Administrator, and Network Engineer. He retired in 2021.

Sadly in 2014, Rob lost his wife Kim to cancer two days shy of their 25th Wedding Anniversary and misses her terribly. After battling for years with diabetes, Rob was sent to the hospital in 2021, diagnosed with kidney failure, and needed to start on hemodialysis while there. He recently moved to Arizona to be close to his youngest brother, loves going to the shooting range, and entertains the folks at dialysis with his magic tricks! Rob would love to get back to scuba diving and has a dream of traveling around in a small RV and sharing his love of being a magician with people everywhere. With the gift of a new kidney and more time to share his craft, he could do just that!

Rob has enlisted the help of a Veteran's organization called DOVE Transplant which is helping in his outreach to find his life-saving kidney donor. DOVE will assist all prospective donors throughout the process and make sure they do not incur any out-of-pocket expenses related to the evaluation or surgery.

A healthy person can live a normal life with one kidney and save this Veteran's life! Please click on the link below if you would like to learn more OR call (551) 233-1611.

Robert Wasson

Marine Veteran

Interested in Becoming a DOVE Donor?
Click the button below to learn more about the process and eligibility requirements.

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