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Received - Deceased Donor Transplant 9/5/24

First, I want to say that it is VERY humbling to write this letter asking for a kidney. I am not used to asking anyone for anything, and I have ALWAYS been a very private person. I served in the regular Army for five years, mostly stationed in Germany.

After 30 years in healthcare as a Respiratory Therapist, I was informed that I had non-alcoholic liver cancer (HCC) and was referred for a liver transplant. During my liver transplant in March 2023, I had complications that resulted in both of my kidneys shutting down. The liver transplant saved my life but left me with a life of dialysis. I am STILL grateful for my liver team and donor. In December 2023, I received a deceased donor kidney, but unfortunately, the graft did not take, so back on dialysis I went.

Dialysis does not agree well with me due to low blood pressure during treatments and extreme fatigue, which prevents me from enjoying much of my previous lifestyle. I would be FOREVER GRATEFUL for a living donor. I know there are SO MANY people looking for the same. My partner, Jeff, is also a Veteran but is not well enough to donate, nor is anyone in my family.

I desperately need a kidney from a good Samaritan before I am no longer strong enough to withstand the surgery. I dream of the day when I can live without dialysis and comfortably walk on the beach again. I also wish to give back through AWARENESS for all I have learned about kidney disease and how prevalent it is.

Will you join us in our mission to find a kidney for Mary? Your support, whether through spreading the word on social media or considering becoming a donor, can make a profound impact on her life and the lives of her loved ones!

Mary has enlisted the help of a Veteran's organization called DOVE Transplant which is helping in her outreach to find her life-saving kidney donor. DOVE will assist all prospective donors throughout the process and make sure they do not incur any out-of-pocket expenses related to the evaluation or surgery.

A healthy person can live a normal life with one kidney and save this Veteran's life! Please click on the link below if you would like to learn more OR call (551) 233-1611.

Mary Theriault

Army Veteran

Interested in Becoming a DOVE Donor?
Click the button below to learn more about the process and eligibility requirements.

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