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Kevin Walker is a 37 year old Veteran who served as a Surgical Technician in the Navy.

Kevin's mom, Gail Walker, shares this about her son:
"Kevin, is the oldest of my two boys and he has been the glue of our family. Along with his brother, we are a close knit family knit family based in Orlando, Florida. Kev is a proud Navy Veteran, although at times he is a little reserved, he seeks pleasure with sports, mainly baseball (Tball thru high school), Orlando Magic basketball and football both college and pro, all from the comfort of his sofa offering expert analysis on Mondays, to anyone willing to listen!
Right now, Kevin needs someone to join his team. Kevin has had kidney disease for the past 7 years after serving in the US Navy stationed in Newport, RI, his dialysis treatment MWF 4 hours a day and have been draining and finding a donor has been a tremendous challenge. Members of our family, uncles and aunts have gone thru testing but none have been qualified due to health issue themselves. It has been heartbreaking as he has shared dreams of no more dialysis and having a wife and kids. continuing school...just traveling, some sort of normalcy that most people take for granted..., a successful transplant would give him that opportunity, a brighter future, at age 37, and grant him time to improve his way of life, a second chance, For that we will be eternally grateful."

Asking for help is not in Kevin's DNA. He served his country, he leads our family. He deserves his new chapter - a healthy one free from dialysis. If you are interested in helping Kevin, please reach out to DOVE in the link below or call: 551-233-1611. Thank you.

Kevin Walker

Navy Veteran


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