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32 Minutes to Honor 32 Life-Saving Donors!

DOVE Sponsor, DLH, took their advocacy to a whole new level by mobilizing their staff to raise awareness about organ donation and DOVE through their DLH Cares Program. During Veterans Week, DLH campuses will be walking as teams for 32 minutes - one minute for each DOVE Veteran recipient! Participating employees were given DOVE t-shirts and information on the mission of DOVE to help promote living kidney donation through nationwide campaigns and outreach events with the aim of creating a living donor registry of prospective donors.

See the DLH team schedule below:

  • 11/7 DLH Charleston & Durham (11:30 am) Will be joined by Donna Haupt Spouse/Advocate for Brian Haupt (waiting Veteran), Melvin Brown (waiting Veteran) & Robert Shelton (waiting Veteran)

  • 11/8 DLH Bethesda (11:30 am) Will be joined by Glenn Padeway (DOVE kidney recipient) & Andre Kirnes (waiting Veteran)

  • 11/9 DLH Atlanta (11:30 am) Will be joined by Loren Merrit (waiting Veteran) & Reginald Coney (DOVE kidney recipient)

This Veterans Week, consider donating $32 to support DOVE in our efforts to end the wait for Veterans and all who wait for a life-saving organ transplant. You can donate HERE.

Interested in hosting a walk-a-thon event at your workplace or business? Contact to learn more!

Donor Outreach for Veterans (DOVE) is a 501c3 organization founded by an experienced and dedicated group of transplant professionals. DOVE seeks to improve access to living kidney transplantation for veterans by facilitating individual and community donor outreach campaigns and providing education, advocacy and support to all donors.


We hope you enjoyed your summer!  Here is how we spent ours!

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